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Why are Dhuhr and Asr prayers recited silently?

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Why are Dhuhr and Asr prayers recited silently whereas Fajr, Maghreb, and Isha prayers are recited aloud (at least during congregational prayers)? Please state all potential reasons.

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    Hamza Bin Muhammad Al Alawy narrated to us , from Ali Bin Ibrahim Ibn Hashim , from his father , from Ayy Bin Ma’bad Al Hassan Bin KHalid , from Muhammad Bin Hamza who said ,

    ‘I said to Abu Abdullah (asws) , ‘For which reason is loud (recitation) to be in Al-Fajr Prayer, and the Prayers of Al-Maghrib, and Al-Isha the last, and the rest of the Prayers like Al-Zohra and Al-Asr, there is no loud (recitation of Surahs) in these. And for which reason did the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the two last Cycles come to be preferable that the recitation (of the Surahs)?’

    He (asws) said: ‘Because the Prophets (aww) , when he (saww) was ascended with to the sky, the first Prayer which Allah (azwj) Obligated upon him (saww) was Al-Zohr Prayer on the day of Friday. So Allah (azwj0 Added to him (saww) , the Angels to Pray behind him (saww) , and Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic Commanded His (azwj) Prophet (saww) that he (saww) loud in the recitation in order to manifest its merit to them.

    Then Allah (azwj) Obligated upon him (saww), Al-Asr, and did not Add anyone from the Angels (to Pray behind him ), and Commanded him (saww) that he (saww) should hide the recitation (lower voice recitation), because there did not happen to be anyone behind him (saww) . Then He (azwj) Obligated upon him (saww) Al-Maghrib, then Added the Angels to (Pray behind) him (saww) , so He (azwj) Commanded him (saww) for the loudness (in the recitation). And similar to that is Al-Isha the last. So when it was near to the dawn, Allah (azwj) the High Obligated Al-Fajr upon him (saww), so He (azwj) Commanded for the loudness (in the recitation), in order to manifest its merit to the people just as he (saww) had manifested to the Angels beforehand. Thus, this is the reason for the loud (recitation) in it’.

    So I said, ‘For which reason did the Glorification (Tasbeeh) in the last two Cycles (of Prayer) come to be preferable than the recitation (of the Surahs)?’ He (asws) said: ‘So when you are in the last two (Cycles of Prayer), mention what is apparent from the Greatness of Allah (azwj) Mighty and Majestic, so be amazed and say, ‘Glory be to Allah (azwj) , and the Praise is for Allah (azwj) , and there is no god except for Allah (azwj) , and Allah (azwj) is the Greatest’. Thus, due to that is the reason for the Glorification come to be preferable that the recitation (of the Surahs)’.

    ( Refrence : Illal Al Sharaie – V 2 Ch 12 H1 )

    My father said , Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al Humeyri narrated to us , from Ali Bin Bashar , from Musa , from his brother, from Ali Bin Muhammad that he answered a question of Yahya Bin Aksam Al Qazy ,

    As for Al-Fajr Prayer and what is loud in it with the recitation, and it is a Prayer of the day, but rather the loudness is in the Night Prayer?’ He (asws) said: ‘Be loud in it with the recitation, because the Prophet (saww) used to (Pray at) dusk in it due to its proximity to the night’.

    (Refrence : Illal Al Sharaie – V 2 Ch 13 H1 )


  2. Maybe:

    It was decided that the Dhuhr and `Asr prayers should be recited silently because they are during the day when people are often busy with work or other activities. If the prayers were recited out loud, people might get distracted and not pay attention to the Imam. By reciting silently, they can focus more on their own prayers. When praying in a group, everyone should recite silently so they don’t disturb each other.