What is the ghusl for masturbation for a teenge girl ?
If a teenager girl has perform masturbation and she didn’t know that she had to perform ghusl and after a menstrual period she had perform ghusl based on Ghusl Haiz will she consider to be cleaned from both impurities of ...Read more
I’ve heard some people saying in Islam, one can mourn for only 3 days on the deceased. Is this right and if so, has this any reference or authenticity. Also, what relevance does this have with the procession and mourning for ...Read more
I have a concerning question cus this page helps me a lot first of all thankyou soo much my question is I suffered from depression since last year I used to cry a lot and think a lot and taking the ...Read more
Can a person eat khaak e shifa if he/she’s not ill? I heard somewhere that if you’re not sick and you consume khaak e shifa it’s like if you have eaten the flesh of masumeen (Nauzubillah) . I just wanna ...Read more
Where is the head of imam Hussain (a.s.) burried? Kindly mention the most authentic tradition regarding this.
is there is ant thing faster than the speed of light.
Authentic shia hadith books? And on what basis do Shias accept any hadith from sunni sahih books?
A lot of non-muslims attack us saying that our Prophet (pbuh) married a 9-year old. We also see that Imam Ali (as) married Bibi Fatima (sa) when she was quite young. How can we justify this?
Salam Aleykum, sometimes we have yearnings deep in us to another world, we somehow miss it, but we don’t remember it. Do we have revelations for such a topic? Best Regards, Asif
My family and I have a sudden declination in all the affairs of life as well as deen. We have consulted someone, an expert, to tell us about the issue, by their knowledge they got us to know that this ...Read more
Do teenagers girls have wet dreams ,if someone saw a bad dream would it be consider as a wet dream and should we perform ghusl for it as we felt like we have urinated during the dream .
Does Internal farting makes wudu to become void while praying ?
What is airaf, ? Can someone explain in detail .?
I want to do research on ahlebait as please some one tell me the websites or books I can read to get the indepth knowledge
A girl who is not married gets a proposal which her parents like and want her to marry that proposal but the girl don’t want to marry that particular proposal,so is it okay to say no to that particular proposal ...Read more
Do unmarried woman’s have wet dreams ,if it is a bad dream would be consider it as wet dream and fo we have to do ghusl for it ?