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Salam My question is can i pray salat while working, i know we can pray while walking but i want to confirm can i pray while working, and is it necessary to move head downward for ruku and sujud if i am praying salat while working?

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  1. The obligatory Salah should be performed with the appropriate movements and recitations as prescribed. Performing Salah while working may not fulfill the necessary conditions & postures required, such as qayam, rukuh , & sujud .


    However, there are some allowances for situations where a person is unable to perform the movements due to illness or other valid reasons. In such cases, a person can perform Salah while seated or even lying down, and they can indicate the movements with head gestures.


    For performing Salah while working, it’s essential to try to take a short break to perform your prayers correctly this would be the best option . If this is not possible and you are in a situation where you absolutely cannot stop working, you might consider praying while indicating the movements with your head or while.being seated on chair . However, this should be seen as an exception and not the norm.


    In terms of ruku and sujud, yes, it is necessary to move the head downward or atleast move soemwhat down a bit which can be labled as rukuh & sujud or as a gesture for these positions if you are unable to perform them fully.


    Its best to consult with a knowledgeable scholar or your local Imam for specific guidance related to your situation to ensure you are fulfilling your religious obligations correctly.