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Masturbation and Ghusl

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What is the ghusl for masturbation for a teenge girl ?


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    I’m telling you all this as a brother so don’t mind if you don’t like something.

    If a girl performed masturbation she must have to perform ghusl e janabat for offering prayers.Method of ghusl is given below.

    Masturbation is also not allowed in islam. It is considered as gunah e kabira means big sin. I know its difficult to control your feelings at the starting of puberty but its so bad. If a male perform this he will be punished with snakes and all poisonous reptiles on his private part on the day of judgement and If a girl performs masturbation she will be punished with burning coal in her vagina.

    First of all you should be clean from dirt or oil or any barrier which stops water to touch body like rings or these things etc. To remove oil sweat you should have to use soap on body after you remove soap.

    First of all you should use toilet then you will have to wash your head and neck. Wash in this way that your full head including all of hairs and full neck will be washed with water. (All body part including hair must be wet)

    Then you have to say ne’at in your heart that (I’m doing ghusl janabat wajib qurbat’an ilallah) after that you will wash your body’s righ side including arms,legs,foot,underarms full right side then you will wash your body’s left side like you washed right side then after this you have completed ghusl you can now offer prayers if you have performed ghusl janabat you can’t offer prayers without performing wudu if you did another ghusl like haiz or that.(you don’t need to perform wudu after ghusl janabat for namaz). ( All body must be covered with water) lift your foot up and rub hand so that water can get in fingers and under.

    Hope you will say thanks to me.