University Of Ahlulbayt Latest Questions

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Mastery Vanguard


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  1. Some people say that Iblees  will not burn in the fire of hell because he is made of fire, so how will Allah put him in the fire of hell?

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  1. Same question was asked by someone, Behlol hit him with a lump of clay. He said I’m hurt why did you do this?  Behlol said, you are made of clay (as mentioned in Quran) how did this clay hurt you? …..Iblees will also be punished and fire will affect him.

    Rest Allah knows better how to punish whom!

  2. Salam !!

    In shia belief , like in Sunni traditions, Iblis faces punishment in hell despite being made of fire. This underscores the idea that divine justice transcends theological nuances. While Iblis’s composition is fire, hell’s fire isn’t merely a physical element—it’s a divine punishment. Comparing it to someone accustomed to hot weather feeling the intensity of a scorching flame, it highlights the distinction between worldly fire and the divine retribution. Both Sunni and Shia perspectives emphasize that Allah’s judgment surpasses human comprehension. While interpretations may vary, the core principle remains unchanged: disobedience carries consequences, and divine justice ensures accountability. Therefore, whether Sunni or Shia, believers trust in Allah’s wisdom and fairness in adjudicating Iblis’s fate, irrespective of his fiery nature.
