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Does internal farting breaks wuzu ?

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Does Internal farting makes  wudu to become void while praying ?

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  1. In Islamic practice, the act of internal farting (passing gas silently or without sound) does indeed break wudu (ablution), which is required for the validity of prayer.

    Key Points:

    1. Wudu and Passing Gas: According to Islamic jurisprudence, any form of passing gas, whether audible or not, invalidates wudu. This is based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said that releasing gas breaks the ablution.


    2. Renewing Wudu: After passing gas, you must renew your wudu before performing prayers or engaging in any other acts that require purification.


    3. Exceptions : The only exception to this rule is if the gas is released involuntarily or due to a medical condition; even then, the general rule of renewing wudu remains applicable.


    In summary, internal farting does break wudu, and it is necessary to perform wudu again to ensure the prayer is valid.