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The head of imam Hussain (a.s.)

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Where is the head of imam Hussain (a.s.) burried? Kindly mention the most authentic tradition regarding this.

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    Hadith 5
    Aban ibn Taghlib narrates:
    I was with Abu Abdullah Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) when He passed through the area
    behind Kufa. He stopped and prayed two rakats. Then He went forward slightly and
    prayed another two rakats. Then He again went forward slightly and prayed another two
    Then Imam (asws) said, “This is the location of the grave of Ameerul Momineen (asws).”
    I asked, “May I be sacrificed upon You! What were the other two locations You prayed
    Imam (asws) replied, “The location of the head of Hussain (asws) and the mimbar of al
    Qaim (atfs).”
    Hadith 6
    Abu Abdullah Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws) said:
    “You shall see two graves when you visit Ghari. One will be large and the other will be
    small. The large grave is the grave of Ameerul Momineen (asws) and the small one is where
    the head of Hussain (asws) ibn Ali (asws) was buried.”


    reference Kamil e Ziyarat Chapter 9 Grave of Ameerul Momineen Pg 40

    These hadiths clearly state that imam Hussain (a.s) head is buried near Amirul Momineen Ali ibne Abi Talibs (a.s) grave, but the exact location cannot be deduced.