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Sunni and Shia

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What if as a Shia I marry a Sunni and my children become Sunni ??
Will I be responsible for their act even if I tell them/educate them, everything I know about Ahlulbayt ??



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  1. According to my understanding of inter-sect marriage till now.

    It is recommend that you marry each other only if she is ready to accept and become a Shia.

    If she doesn’t it will impact you children and your marriage.

    We have seen in may cases where Imams tell us to marry a woman thinking that she has to educate our children. If you marry someone with this thinking then you will be sure that your children are in good hands.

    If the girl you are marrying doesn’t become shia and if she shaitan misguides her into teaching your children against your believes then it’s going to give you troubles.

    In Islam, the upbringing is mostly done by mother and in most cases children are connected with mother more than father. Therefore picking a right mother for your children is your responsibility and if you fail to do that then yes it is going to be your fault if children follow her even if you tell them about Ahlulbait.


    If you still want to marry her and she doesn’t become a shia then make sure the upbringing of children is done by you so they can be close to the Imam of our time. Remember being a shia our responsibility is to not only tell our children about Ahlulbait but to make sure they are close to our Imam of time to.

    Children do what they see.

    If they see your wife doing something they’ll follow it.

    If they see you and get inspiration from it they’ll follow you.

    I hope it helps.