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Shia hadith books

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Authentic shia hadith books?

And on what basis do Shias accept any hadith from sunni sahih books?


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  1. Salam Alyikum Brother,

    There are many authentic shia books, there are mainly four books called, Kutab e Arb’a. These Include :

    1. Usool Al Kafi
    2. Man La Yahduruh Al Fiqh
    3. Tahdhib al-ahkam
    4. al-Istibsar

    an important thing to note that we don’t call our books SAHIH since according to our believes only book which is 100% SAHIH is only Quran.

    We don’t accept any reference from any sunni books,  But if you are looking to read a shia book consider the Quran and then Nehjul Balagha (The book of the sermons of Ameer’ ul Momineen.

    Jazakallah Khair.

    Fi Aman Illah.