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What sins/habits weakens the memory according to islam? And what should one avoid/do to strengthen his/her memory?

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  1. Salam !!

    Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a) is reported to have said,

    “One of the divine punishments for too much lying is that Allah makes the liar afflicted with forgetfulness.”

    Every sins let it be major or minor always affect us in a bad way . Our every problem in life is due to the sins we commit daily & delay their repentence .
    The concept of sin in Islam is very clear, and we don’t need deep research about it that what
    is sin? And how we will know that is sin or not? The Quran and Hadith gave us a clear
    instruction about it, if we see to our every action according to these fundamental principles,
    instructions, and scaled on it, we can easily understand what is sin?
    Allah warns all of mankind that everything mankind does in this world will be put before us on (The Day of Resurrection) as mentioned in Surah al-Zalzala:

    “And he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it”.

    The concept of sin in Islam is very clear and its proved that there is a serious connection between our spirit, and acts, our deeds influence on our soul, if we are obeying
    Allah and keep involve our self in positive and healthy activates, it have psychological effect on our soul, that we will be happy ,satisfied and free of stress, but if we committing sins, it
    have also physically and psychologically influence on our life, because the sinners always stress , depress and sad, and don’t satisfy in their life, due to continuously sins they became
    blind and cannot differentiate between good and bad, so if someone want happiness and satisfaction in his life, he or she must avoids the sin .

    Stress and anxiety :Anything that makes it harder to concentrate and lock in new information and skills can lead to memory problems. Stress and anxiety fill the bill.
    Both can interfere with attention and block the formation of new memories or the retrieval of old ones.

    Not sleeping enough is one of the worst things you can do for your brain. When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain doesn’t have a chance to rest and recover from the day.
    This can lead to serious problems like cognitive decline, memory loss, and mood swings.

    Forgetfulness is something that varies from person to person according to each individuals nature; some may be more forgetful than others.
    Some of the things that may help to combat forgetfulness are the following:

    1. Keeping away from sin, because the bad effects of sin result in a bad memory and the inability to retain knowledge. The darkness of sin cannot co-exist with the light of knowledge.
    When a person commits a sin, it overwhelms him and this leads to anxiety and sorrow which keeps him busy thinking about what he has done.
    This dulls his senses and distracts him from many beneficial things, including seeking knowledge.
    2. Frequently remembering Allaah, may He be glorified, by reciting dhikr, tasbeeh (saying Subhan Allaah), tahmeed (Al-hamdu Lillaah), tahleel (Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah) and takbeer (Allaahu akbar), etc.

    Unless Allah pleases; and remember your Lord when you forget and say: Maybe my Lord will guide me to a nearer course to the right than this. [18:24]

    3. Eating too much makes one sleep too much and become lazy, and it dulls the senses, besides exposing one to the risk of physical diseases. Most of the diseases which we see result from food and drink.
    Some of the scholars have mentioned certain foods which increase the memory, such as drinking honey and eating raisins and chewing certain kinds of gum resin.

    4. Some foods also increase memory & help in fighting forgetfullness :

    1) Dates are a Sunnah food, so it is no surprise that they contain great health benefits including benefits to the brain. Add dates to your daily diet to fulfill the
    Sunnah and in the process, experience a blessed improvement on your memory.

    2) Avocados are well-known for their many health benefits. But did you know that one of those benefits is an increase in brain power? It has been proven that avocado is a brain food,
    so add it to your diet for increased memory and performance.

    3) Olive oil has been proven to be an effective brain food. If you are currently using other types of oil, consider switching to olive oil for a healthier meal to benefit both your brain and body.

    4) The Prophet (peace be upon him) also recommended black seed as a healthy part of our diet. Recently, science has proven many benefits of eating black seeds which includes improved
    brain performance. Once again, it proves that the Sunnah foods are always recommended for a reason.

    5) Both Quran and Hadiths have clearly mentioned that sea foods are halal to eat. Science has proven that eating fish boosts your brainpower.
    In fact, entire industries revolve around creating memory boosting medication from fish extracts.