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Mawla Ali AS

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Was ima Ali AS mentioned be there in previous nations?

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    Imam Ali (as) says:

    My name in the Bible is ‘ILIYA’,
    in the Torah is ‘BARI’,
    in the Zaboor is ‘ERI’.
    Indians know my name as ‘KAABER’,
    Romans know me as ‘BIT’RISA’
    Persians know me as ‘JOBEIR’,
    Turks know me as ‘TABIR’,
    blacks know me as ‘HEYTAR’,
    Priests know me as ‘BUSI’,
    Abyssinians know me as ‘BITRIK’,
    My Mother knows me as ‘HEYDARA’,
    Arabs know me as ‘ALI’,
    Armenians know me as ‘FAREEQ’,
    and my father knows me as ‘ZAHEER’.

    This is well refered hadith but can’t comment anything on its authenticity !

    [source: Maani Al Akhbar Pg. 59]


    Another narration of Imam Ali (as) being mentioned in earlier books:

    يا عليّ، ذكرك في التوراة وذكر شيعتك قبل أن يخلقوا بكلّ خير، وكذلك في الانجيل. فاسأل أهل الانجيل وأهل الكتاب يخبروك عن “إليا” مع علمك بالتوراة والانجيل وما أعطاك الله عزّ وجلّ من علم الكتاب، وإن أهل الإنجيل ليتعاظمون إليا وما يعرفون شيعته، وإنّما يعرفونهم بما يجدونه في كتبهم

    Prophet Muhammad (saww) said:

    “O Ali, your mention is in the Torah and the mention of your Shia before they were created with all goodness, as well as in the Gospel. So ask the people of the Gospel and the People of the Book, they will inform you about ‘Eli’ with your knowledge of the Torah and the Gospel and what Allah Almighty has given you of the knowledge of the Book. Indeed, the people of the Gospel magnify Eli, but they do not know his Shia, rather they know them by what they find in their own books.”

    [source: Fazaail ush Shia – Sheikh Sadooq, Hadees. 17]


    J.B. Gladone writes in A Note Book on Old and New Testaments (London, 1908, 1st vol., pp. 427-8) that, “In the languages of oldest and present Hebrew, the word Allia or Aillee is not meaning of God !”


    According to Tafsir Anwar al-Bayan, once the Christian priests of Najran came in Medina during the period of Caliph Abu Bakr and asked his name, but didn’t satisfy, then approached Umar and Uthman, but they were dissatisfied. The priests said,

    “We don’t have any concern with you, but we are searching that person whose name is mentioned in the Divine Scriptures.

    On that moment, the name of Hazrat Ali was recommended. When they saw Hazrat Ali, the priests asked his name, Hazrat Ali said,

    “My name in the Old Testament (Taurat) is Elia, and in the New Testament (Injil or Bible) is Eli, and in the Koran is Ali.”

    Another incident is recorded in historical records about the text on a piece of wood which was confirmed  by Archaeologists using carbon dating that it was a part of Noah’s ark buried deep down in a cave :

    It had some texts written  on it in ancient hebrew ig ,  it was translated & the translation was documented in the following news Papers:

    · Weekly – Mirror: U.K., December 28,1953.
    · Star of Britain: London, Manchester, January 23,1954.
    · Manchester Sunlight: January 23,1954.
    · London Weekly Mirror: February 01,1954.
    · Bathrah Najaf: Iraq, February 02,1954.
    · AI-Huda: Cairo, March 31,1954.
    · Ellia – Light, Knowledge, & Truth, Lahore, July 10,1969

    Here are the texts found:

    In a well-known hadith narrated by both Shi‘a and Sunni Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad has likened his household to the ship or ark (safinah) of Prophet Noah:

    Surely the likeness of my Ahl al-Bayt is similar to Noah’s Ark; whoever boards it will attain salvation and whoever remains behind is drowned.”

    Another version reads:

    “We serve as the ark of salvation. Whoever holds fast to this ark will reach salvation and whoever deviates from it will be cast into perdition. Whoever wants God to grant him something should resort to the Ahl al-Bayt”

    (Refrences: Ṭūsī, al-Amālī, p. 633; Daylamī, Irshād al-qulūb, vol. 2, p. 306; Ṣadūq, ʿUyūn akhbār al-Riḍā, vol. 2, p. 27; Ṣadūq, al-Amālī, p. 269, hadith no. 18; Ṭabrisī, al-Iḥtijāj, vol. 1, p. 273)

    “Al-Bazzaz narrates through Abdullah ibne Zubair that the Holy Prophet mentioned: “The simile of Ahle Bayt is like that of the Ark of Noah (a.s.). One who boards it, is saved and those who leave it are drowned”

    (Majmaul Zawaid, Vol. 9, pg. 163)




    Another ancient find during 1916, a few miles away from Palestine, some units of English army passed through a village, Tantura. Suddenly, they saw blazing spark gushing out from a hillock. Some soldiers proceeded towards the site and started digging the place. At the depth of 4 yards, they found a shining silver tablet. It was ¾ yard long and ½ yard wide. They brought it before their high officer, Major A.N. Grandel, who saw that the border of the tablet was decorated with jewels, and in middle were golden words in ancient language. This ancient tablet then passed through many persons, and ultimately reached to I.C. British Army’s Lieut. D.O. Gladstone, who passed to the experts of the British Fossils. Soon after the end of the First World War in 1918, a Committee consisted of the experts in ancient languages from Britain, U.S.A., and France were assigned to examine language. After several months of hard labour, the mystery was solved.

    It had been investigated on 21st January, 1920 that it was a Tablet of Solomon (990-931 BC). Its language was in old Hebrew being used in the Song of Solomon. It was translated as under:-

    “O’ God! O’ Ahmed! O’ Eli! O’ Batul, O’ Ha’san!. O’Ha’sin! Help me. O’ Ahmed come. O’ Batul! Cast the sight. O’ Hasan! Have pity. O’ Ha’sin grant happiness. Eli, Eli, Eli. Solomon makes petition from these five.”

