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I want to ask is there a method from ahlulbait A.S to learn things fast ? If there is what is it?

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


    • Recitation of Sūrat al-Aalā (chapter 87 of the Quran) is auspicious based on a number of phrases contained in verses number 1,3,6,9 and 19


    (al-Shahīd al-Thānī p. 131 ).

    Try to recite the sūra at least once every day


    • Recite this Ayat 69:12 regularly


    لِنَجْعَلَهَا لَكُمْ تَذْكِرَةً وَتَعِيَ هَا أُذُنٌ وَاعِيَة


    That We might make it for you a reminder and that receptive ears might remember it.


    • Reciting regularly Salwaat on the holy prophet & his household is also a method to improve ones memory


    • If one fails to remember an event or written text or spoken words, according to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq (as) one should put the right hand on the forehad and recite:


    There are such more duas u can refer to !




  2. Yes, there are methods and advice from Ahlulbayt (AS) on learning and acquiring knowledge quickly and effectively. Here are a few:


    1. _Imam Ali (AS)_: “Knowledge is not acquired by mere hearing, but by insight and practice.” (Nahj al-Balagha)


    Insight: Reflect on what you learn, relate it to your life, and think critically.


    Practice: Apply what you learn, reinforce through action.


    1. _Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (AS)_: “Learn knowledge, and learn how to learn.” (Bihar al-Anwar)


    Method: Develop a learning strategy, understand your learning style, and adapt.


    1. _Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS)_: “Knowledge is a treasure, and the key to it is asking questions.” (Bihar al-Anwar)


    Ask questions: Seek clarification, explore, and investigate.


    1. _Imam Ali (AS)_: “The mind is like a vessel, and knowledge is its contents. The more you pour into it, the more it expands.” (Ghurar al-Hikam)


    Capacity: Expand your mental capacity by learning new things, challenging yourself.


    1. _Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS)_: “Learn from others’ experiences, and benefit from their knowledge.” (Bihar al-Anwar)


    Learn from others: Seek guidance, study others’ experiences, and benefit from their insights.


    These methods emphasize active learning, critical thinking, practice, and seeking knowledge from others. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your learning and acquire knowledge more effectively.

  3. In Islamic tradition, especially within Shia Islam which follows the teachings of Ahlulbait (the family of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them), there are various recommendations and practices believed to aid in learning and memory. While there is no specific method directly attributed to the Ahlulbait for learning quickly, several general guidelines and practices are encouraged:


    1. **Seeking Knowledge with Sincerity**:

    – Intend to seek knowledge for the sake of bettering oneself and serving others, rather than for personal gain or pride.


    2. **Regular Supplication and Prayer**:

    – Engage in regular supplications and prayers, asking Allah for increased knowledge and understanding. Specific supplications (duas) from the Ahlulbait, such as Du’a Kumayl, Du’a Tawassul, and others, are often recited.


    3. **Reading and Reflection on the Quran**:

    – Regularly reciting and reflecting on the Quran is highly encouraged. The Quran is seen as a source of divine knowledge and wisdom.


    4. **Studying in the Early Hours**:

    – It is recommended to study and seek knowledge during the early hours of the day, as it is believed to be a blessed time for learning and productivity.


    5. **Maintaining Physical and Spiritual Purity**:

    – Keeping oneself in a state of physical and spiritual purity, such as performing ablution (wudu) before studying, is believed to aid in learning.


    6. **Seeking Knowledge from the Right Sources**:

    – Learning from knowledgeable and pious teachers who follow the teachings of Ahlulbait is emphasized.


    7. **Balanced Lifestyle**:

    – Maintaining a balanced lifestyle that includes proper rest, healthy eating, and regular exercise can help improve cognitive function and learning ability.


    8. **Engaging in Community Learning**:

    – Participating in study circles, discussions, and lectures within the community can enhance understanding and retention of knowledge.


    While these practices are derived from the broader Islamic tradition and the teachings of the Ahlulbait, they align with modern understandings of effective learning strategies as well.