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Is music haram in Islam

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Ive never gotten a clear answer, some say yes, some say no, some say some music is and some isn’t

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  1. Asalaamu Alaikom

    No doubt music is one of the most ancient methods of merrymaking and enjoyment, of expressing feelings and emotions. It is called ‘international language’, because it encompasses the whole world and does not know any geographical or political boundary.

    Let us find out what is the reason for its worldwide prevalence. We have it on the authority of Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.s) that when Hadhrat Adam (a.s) died, his infamous son Cain (Qabil) and Satan were very happy. Both gathered at a place and invented some musical instruments to celebrate the death of Hadhrat Adam (a.s). And in the words of Imam (a.s), all such musical things which people now use for merrymaking have originated from that1.

    So, religion and anthropology both agree that music is a very ancient thing and therefore its no wonder that it has spread widely with the spread of the human race. But how dare a sensible ‘child of Adam’ especially if he is a Muslim “enjoy” music, which is an invention of Satan and Cain, the rebellious and disloyal son of Adam?

    Here one may ask: But what is the harm in music? Why has it been forbidden in Islam?

    The answer is that music does have harmful effects on nervous system and is the cause of many ailments including ulcer, diabetes and madness. It creates imbalance in human faculties, retards spiritual development, and lowers the ethical values.

    Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: Music is among the things for which Allah has promised the Fire (of Hell). Then he recited the above Ayat[8][13]. “Indeed successful are the believers those who in their prayer are humble and those who keep themselves aloof from Vain (words and deeds).” [23:1-3].

    I know that it will be very hard in the beginning to cut off music from your life dear stranger, especially if you have been listening to it for a long time. But leave it for the sake of Allah and stay away from fitnah and may Allah the most generous reward you ان شاء الله.

    Peace be upon you, and في امان الله.