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Is it mandatory in Islam?

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Is it mandatory in Islam for the daughter-in-law to take care of her in-laws and fulfill household responsibilities?

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  1. No, it is not mandatory, and she does not need to do any household responsibilities for them, unless it is out of her own good-will and her kindness.

    Her focus should be on her new life with herself and her husband, and her only duty to her in-laws is respect them like her own parents, honour them, treat them well, but does not need to do anything she does not want to.

    Her husband and her in-laws should of course know what Islam says, and should accommodate to this as well.

    And Allah knows best

  2. In Islam, there is a strong emphasis on respecting and caring for one’s in-laws, including the daughter-in-law taking care of her in-laws. But it is not mandatory in islaam for them to actually perform all the chores or stuffs she doesn’twant to, but it is often encouraged as a way to uphold family values and promote harmony within the family unit. The concept of kindness and respect towards family members, including in-laws, is highly valued in Islamic teachings.