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Is futures trading permissible in Islam?

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Is futures trading permissible in Islam? If not, what aspects of it are considered non-permissible?

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  1. In Shia Islam, futures trading is considered a controversial topic, and its permissibility depends on various factors. Ayatollah Sistani, a prominent Shia scholar, has provided guidelines on this matter.


    According to Ayatollah Sistani’s fatwa, futures trading is not permissible in the following cases:


    1. *Gharar* (uncertainty): Futures contracts involve uncertainty about the future price, which is considered a form of gharar. Islam prohibits transactions with excessive uncertainty.


    2. *Maisir* (gambling): Futures trading can be seen as a form of gambling, as the outcome depends on chance and speculation.


    3. *Riba* (interest): Some futures contracts may involve interest-based transactions, which are prohibited in Islam.


    However, if the futures trading contract meets the following conditions, it may be considered permissible:


    1. *Clear and specific terms*: The contract must have clear and specific terms, without any ambiguity or uncertainty.


    2. *No gharar or maisir*: The contract must not involve excessive uncertainty or gambling-like characteristics.


    3. *No riba*: The contract must not involve interest-based transactions.


    4. *Physical delivery*: The contract must ensure physical delivery of the underlying asset, rather than just settling the difference in cash.


    It’s important to note that the permissibility of futures trading in Shia Islam depends on the specific circumstances and the scholar’s interpretation. To ensure compliance with Islamic principles, it’s recommended to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or authority.