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I am attracted to sunni speakers more than shia ones

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However i cannot listen to sunni speakers although i like their manner of dialoque because i dont trust their sources of knowledge. But i dont understand why it is hard for me to be motivated by shia sources. In sunni lectures i want to listen to non sectariantopics such as how to get closer to Allah, how to be a better muslim , how to have khushoo in islam. Everytime i see an advert in the sunni community for a topic i am interested in such as how to get your duas accepted better iwant to listen to it but i cant not knowing whether whatever i am listening is right or wrong. But shia lectures are either imam centric or way too advanced or talk about topics already known about such as why to wear hijab or why to not listen to music. I am not saying there arent good shia lecturers out there but i dont understand why i cant get motivated in shia lectures even good shia lectures like other shia muslims.

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    Look for Shia lecturers who focus on the universal aspects of Islam, such as spirituality, improving one’s character, and practical aspects of worship.
    Some lecturers make an effort to present content that is applicable to all Muslims, regardless of sect. Sometimes, the issue might be with the platforms you are using to find lectures. Explore different websites, YouTube channels, or apps that might offer a variety of speakers and topics from the Shia perspective.  Use online Shia libraries, websites like to cross-check the information. Balance your learning between lectures, reading, and personal reflection. This variety can help maintain motivation and interest.

    You can go for :

    Khalil Jaffer
    Ali Raza Panahian
    Murtaza zaidi
    Some Short clips of various ayatollahs
    Qazwini family ( My favs are Jawad Qazwini & Sayed Mohammed Baqer Al-Qazwini )

    For the point you raised that ” Everytime i see an advert in the sunni community for a topic i am interested in such as how to get your duas accepted better iwant to listen to it but i cant not knowing whether whatever i am listening is right or wrong. ”
    the best you can do is if you find a Sunni lecture on a topic you are interested in, you can listen to it and then cross-reference the information with trusted Shia sources. This way, you can benefit from the style they present while ensuring the content aligns with your beliefs.

    Here are some of the Shia Islam yt channels  that provide a variety of content, including lectures, spiritual guidance, and practical advice:

    Imam Hussein TV 3
    Shabab Al-Sibtayn

    you’ll find a wealth of motivational, practical, and spiritually enriching content that aligns with your beliefs and interests. These resources should help you deepen your faith, enhance your spiritual practices, and stay motivated on your


  2. Salam,

    There are a lot of Shia scholars out there who talk about the topics you have mentioned like getting close to Allah and other such things.

    You can check agha panahian’s YouTube channel named ali Reza panahian. I bet you will feel like binge watching all his videos.

    If you are an urdu speaker, you can also check Moulana Murtaza zaidi’s videos on such topics.

  3. If you want to feel motivated then I strongly recommend you to not listen Sunni scholars as if you listen to our Shia scholars who talks about ahlebait and fazail of ahlebait it will boost your motivation at a very high peak as we all know Shia of imam Ali feels motivated becomes optimistic by listening abt imam Ali you should try to listen scholars like allama Asif Raza Alvi,Shehenshah Hussain Naqvi,Abid bilgrami,Syed Ali Raza Rizvi