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How can I improve my concentration and focus

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    Improving concentration and focus in Shia Islam can be approached through both spiritual and practical methods:

    1. Taqwa : Strengthen your connection with Allah (SWT) through regular prayers, supplications, and dikhr . Maintaining a conscious awareness of Allah can help in staying focused and grounded !

    2. Seeking Knowledge: Knowledge is highly valued in Islam. Engage in regular study of Islamic texts, such as the Quran and Hadith, to deepen your understanding and increase your focus on spiritual matters. When you will be well aware of your responsibilities you willn’t lose focus !

    3. These alone aren’t enough without practical Steps:

       – Prayer and Meditation: Take short breaks for prayers and reflection throughout the day to rejuvenate your focus. When we reflect , we come to know about our problems , their solutions , the things that trigger the problems , the steps we can take to get its solution all if we reflect and ponder about them . The namaz time should be free from every worries & tasks , you have to be completely empty in order to gain something from it . When everything is in order you willn’t lose focus !

       – Organize Your Time:  Plan your daily activities and allocate specific times for spiritual practices and learning. When things are alotted to a certain time and its the only goal at that instance , no other thought will cross your mind . If things are organised you will stay focused cuz you know for your every task a time is alloted and there willn’t be as mess thay needs your focus !

       – Limit Distractions:  Minimize distractions during prayer and study times by creating a conducive environment. Social media has a major role in decreasing the focus as we scroll reels & shorts and various 10 sec videos , this eventually  provides us with the needed dopamine and when we do something that takes time we lose focus , we feel annoyed and bored .

    4. Dua: Ask Allah (SWT) for help in improving your focus and concentration. Making sincere supplications will strengthen your resolve and commitment to maintaining focus.


  2. firstly you need to connect with ALLAH SWT by praying namaz on time and many mustahab aamal like tahajjud….

    secondly brother recite QURAN yes you saw right RECITE QURAN because it fulfills your soul with positivity and make you connect with your goals IF possible recite on daily basis weather 20mint or 30mint you have to do this sincerely because QURAN boosts up our every positive ability..

    SURAH AL HASHR: recite this surah daily and drinking water in this surah has been dissolved is good for memory and concentration…

    always stay away from negative thoughts by involving in positive things like seeing any islamic lecture inspite of social media scrolling and chatting…..