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If someone forgets that he was in a janabat and prayed namaz in masjid?

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  1. If someone forgets that they were in a state of janabat (ritual impurity) and prays namaz in a masjid, their prayer is considered invalid. According to Islamic rules, a person in a state of janabat must perform ghusl (ritual bath) before praying.


    In this situation:


    – They should interrupt their prayer and perform ghusl as soon as they remember.

    – If they have already completed the prayer, they must repeat it after performing ghusl.

    – It’s essential to remember that forgetfulness is not an excuse for invalidating a prayer.

    – However, if someone genuinely forgets and prays without intending to disobey Allah’s commands, they are not considered sinful.


    It’s important to note that this ruling may vary depending on the specific madhab (school of thought) or interpretation. It’s always best to consult with a knowledgeable Islamic scholar or authority for guidance on such matters.