University Of Ahlulbayt Latest Questions

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In islam our parents are most valuable specially our mother. But i am an overthinker and thinks some trash all the time. I had a question which i feels awkward to write.My question has points below:

1. If in case our father has attcked us to kill (just in case ,just imagine) .According to islam, is it permissible to kill father in self defence?

2.Same upper case with mother?

3. If our father has attacked mother so can we kill father to protect mother?

If it is not permissible than what are ways we should do in such cases?

I said it is a trash question but it irritates me.

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  1. Bismillah


    Salam alaikum. Islam is a religion of peace , and out most islam loves peace over battle ( violence)


    As per your imaginable question ( which is surely no halali in the world does ) , to this reaction on such issues you should remember things


    1) if someone is coming to hurt someone , you have the right to defend at most , but illogically you don’t have the right to take sudden reactions ( even you are on right side ) . As sort of punishment to any issues , you should either go through legally . Or make the culprit captive and call the jamaat ( group of people like , anjuman , police , or higher authority ) . Indeed with such proofs , whatever comes will be left on the government decisions.


    In simple :

    Islam prefers respect over any other issues . Even when qabil attacked hazrath habil ( son of Adam a.s the true successor ) , hazrath habil didn’t even raised his hands against his brother , just because he have higher status . And defended himself .


    And people don’t have the right to take sudden reactions on this such issues , as it always gives negative effect . Instead . You should go with legal ( calm reaction ) .



    In conclusion.

    Surah Al-Isra (17:23): “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ‘uff,‘ and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”


    Even Qur’an says . You don’t even have right to say just off to parent s then how can you raise hands against them ? .



    * When they attacks , it’s your responsibility to defend them (the one who is getting killed ) .

    * Something happens , you don’t have right to take onspot action like kill him . Just make sure go with ( anjuman , police , court , ) rather taking decision in your hand . Take decision from government ( anjuman , police , court )



    Walaikum assalam

    Iltemas e dua 🙏