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Exhausting thoughts

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How can I get rid of the exhausting thoughts that keep invading my mind? I’m so tired of them, and I want them to disappear completely. They always make me feel increasingly guilty and like a sinner every single time they appear.


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  1. Wa alaikum assalam, Kissa. It sounds like you’re experiencing intrusive thoughts, which can be quite distressing. Here are some steps you can take to manage them:


    1. **Seek Forgiveness and Pray**: Turn to Allah in prayer and ask for forgiveness. Regularly performing Salah and making Du’a can provide comfort and help you feel more at peace.


    2. **Mindfulness and Meditation**: Practicing mindfulness can help you observe your thoughts without judgment. Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and focusing on your present sensations can help you manage these thoughts.


    3. **Positive Distractions**: Engage in activities that you enjoy and that require your full attention, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with loved ones.


    4. **Professional Help**: If these thoughts are persistent and overwhelming, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide you with strategies to manage and reduce intrusive thoughts.


    5. **Dhikr and Quran Recitation and remember prophet saw and his household A.S**: Reciting the Quran and engaging in Dhikr (remembrance of Allah and his prophet and prophet’s household) can be soothing and help redirect your focus.


    6. **Avoiding Triggers**: Identify and avoid situations or content that trigger these thoughts, if possible.


    Remember, experiencing intrusive thoughts doesn’t make you a sinner. They are a common issue and can be managed with patience and the right strategies. May Allah grant you peace and ease your mind.

  2. Salam un Alykum,

    ever thought why sometimes we are sooo into wilayat e Imam ALI that we think we are on clouds nine.
    siting in home and we are sooo deep listening to majalis or fazail and feeling so proud its feels like we are flying and flying… the power.                                but sometimes we feel so ashamed of our deeds and something we just cant control our thoughts or brain…….

    but i think we should understand its our responsibility to guide our brain. a person who has control over his brain can do everything. but how can we do that for that i think a routine is very important.

    ever had a bath that feels so refreshing which made u thought ohhh wow i feel so clean i shall read quran after that u thought ohhh maybe i should listen to majalis…

    so a routine with proper hygine, meditation with listening to nohay (i higly recommed siting on ground insted of bed or chair), reading quran evrday,
    dedicating a time where we can talk to imam e zamana like suppose i love to talk to imam e zaman before sleeping…

    one more thing u can doooo which issss amazing and it real works iss

    say to saytan that “are you really not afraid of my ali… dont play with me, i will complain to my ali..”

    it has alwaysss worked for meeeee

    and then you can recite “astaghfirullah wa atubu illaih”

    one u say and recite this i am sure u can control your brain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   let me know if this helped you…
