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Do unmarried woman's have wet dreams ?

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Do unmarried woman’s have wet dreams ,if it is a bad dream would be consider it as wet dream and fo we have to do ghusl for it ?

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  1. Yes they can have wet dreams and in this case performing ghusl is wajib for them.

  2. And 70% your questions 😂

    Yes, unmarried woman can get wet dreams. Ghusl is only necessary when she get discharge whether she saw dream or not. Everyone can know that is he or she get discharged during sleeping then you have to perform ghusl janabat also. And if you saw bad (the dream which can stimulates your sexual desires) dream and not get discharged then you don’t need to perform ghusl.

    To get rid from bad dreams

    Recite a few ayah from quran or recite Ayat ul Kursi while sleeping.

    I read that if a person reads Ayat ul Kursi when he is sleeping then some angels protect him next whole day.