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Difficulties in salah

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Is there such a thing as good Salah days and bad Salah days?

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  1. بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    Yes, it’s common to experience fluctuations in the quality of Salah (prayer) from day to day. Some days, you might feel deeply connected, focused, and spiritually uplifted during your prayers, while other days,
    it might be harder to concentrate and you might feel more distracted or disconnected. This variation is a normal part of the human experience, and it’s influenced by various factors such as your physical and
    mental state, external distractions, and your level of spiritual awareness at the time. Sometimes you will pray salah without concentration and khushu or sometimes with khushu and concentration both cant be the same .
    Remember that Salah is a journey and not every prayer will feel perfect. The key is to strive for improvement, remain patient with yourself, and seek Allah’s guidance and support along the way.
