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Bad Habit

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All teenagers deeply know they are in addiction of Masturbation. I am asking this question frankly as i also want to escape from it. I have tried my best to leave it but all invain. I also tried all of things all acts and also every type of motivation but cannot. Now i am tired and please anybody tell anything.

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  1. It is important for you to understand that, it will not happen within a week, leaving a bad habit takes time and you have to be patient.

    First of all block all the apps/websites that can arouse you in a way that’ll lead you to that act. If you are using phone then divert your mind with knowledgeable YouTube videos, do anything that will divert your mind from that situation. Here you have to work on yourself and strengthen your will power.

    Second I would suggest that you leave your phone aside and get out of your room. Take some fresh air, sit with your parents and sit somewhere people can easily surround you. So that when you are with people around you, the need to do that will go away. Don’t stay alone at these times, as shaitan will try it’s best and I am telling you the best to make you do that sin. Don’t underestimate him, he will attack you the more you try to resist. Therefore you have to be strong.

    Third, before sleeping always talk to Imam of our time(may allah hasten his appearance) and tell him how much you want to leave this act and ask him to make dua for you.

    There are few things that I tell my friends I’ll tell it to you too-


    When you are feeling aroused then think that allah is looking at you, now matter how much you hide he is looking at you. If that doesn’t affect you then think your Imam is always looking at you. Whenever you feel like doing it know that Imam is seeing you doing that sin and he will be disappointed in you.

    The fear of disappointing our imam will inshallah stop you from doing it.


    If that still doesn’t help think about the time when shaitan told allah how he will misguide us into doing sins and allah said that those who are mine won’t be misled by you.

    Imagine how much trust allah has on you, and while you listen to the shaitan and do that act, you are letting shaitan laugh in triumph.


    Always remember that no matter what sins you have committed allah is merciful and all forgiving. Don’t ever think that now you have crossed the line and your sins won’t be forgiven. He is our allah, he is happy more than we can imagine when we ask for his forgiveness.

    Don’t lose hope in allah, and talk to Imam of our time whenever you feel the urge to do any sin. Trust me talking to him impacts the soul of a believer in such a way that you can’t even imagine.

    Be patient and always remember Imam of our time and how you don’t want him to look at you with disappointment.

    I hope it helps you. Don’t lose hope.

    And Eid mubarak ✨

  2. assalam alaikum 


    Before starting let me bring you to point what Qur’an says on such issues

    : Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:5-7) speaks about the believers being those “who guard their private parts except from their spouses… but whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.”


    Here in simple allah says about two things.

    1) what to gaurd

    2) with whom not to gaurd


    1) allah says to gaurd private parts , does this only mean just not to show? . No , here allah says indirectly to

    * To protect your private part ( sexual desires , from non mehrams , that meas directly indirectly , lower your gaze on women’s ! .

    2 ) who are the , on whom their is no ( halal for sexual desires ? ) .

    * Allah’ gives another answer where he says controlling on sexual desire until marriage .




    Now what’s the quick way to leave mastrubation ?

    * According to many imams  , the best of best of best action to this is Fasting ( ROZA) . WHERE a person always will be in control indirectly . Where he will follow namaz , where he will read Qur’an , where he will be always pure , where he will be clean ( with ghusl)

    * Marriage, that is why islam promotes early marriages .

    * Avoid such social media application where vulgar have reached its limit . Like fb videos , Instagram

    * Always try to be with 2+ peoples . Even possible with parents or friends .


    * Avoid being alone at any cost



    Thank you


    Iltemas e dua 🙏