1. walaikum assalam, you can do this by staying busy with others work and also read during namaz on time. whenever it's night, try not to use mobile phone. keep sleeping on the mobile side so that you cannot do all the haram/ bad things. whenever you feel like watching porn then at that time you have tRead more

    walaikum assalam,

    you can do this by staying busy with others work and also read during namaz on time. whenever it’s night, try not to use mobile phone. keep sleeping on the mobile side so that you cannot do all the haram/ bad things. whenever you feel like watching porn then at that time you have to remind yourself that Allah is watching you and also you have to face Allah in the akhirah and from this thought you are not going to do these bad things.

    do exercise daily so that you feel better and you can able to think positive. just do whatever you want to do like playing games, reading books, watching tv, do craft work, help your mom, importantly spend time with your family and avoid your electronic device.

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