1. Salam brother its hard to get rid of all this but everything has a solution.i suggest to hide your phone from yourself so you cant be able to watch it.on the other hand try reminding your self of hell and as if imam almahdi as is watching you.to make it harder for your self you can burn your hand evRead more

    Salam brother its hard to get rid of all this but everything has a solution.i suggest to hide your phone from yourself so you cant be able to watch it.on the other hand try reminding your self of hell and as if imam almahdi as is watching you.to make it harder for your self you can burn your hand every single time you watch it .as a conclution all of this will make a self risastence to that and trust me you will beĀ  happier and happier as long as you dont watch these .trust me brother you will feel as a victorious allah soldier.Trust me brother and beleave in my words.

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