1. بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ   The statement emphasizes the immense scale and diversity of Allah's creation, beyond what we can perceive on Earth alone. It invites us to like ummm say contemplate the boundless nature of existence and the infinite possibilities within Allah's creationRead more

    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


    The statement emphasizes the immense scale and diversity of Allah’s creation, beyond what we can perceive on Earth alone. It invites us to like ummm say contemplate the boundless nature of existence and the infinite possibilities within Allah’s creation.


    It underscores the idea that Allah’s mercy and guidance extend universally across all realms of creation. The title “Rehmatul lil Alameen” (Mercy to the worlds) signifies a compassionate relationship not only with humanity but potentially with all beings in all realms of existence.


    Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq’s statement about the multitude of worlds serves as a profound invitation for believers to contemplate the vastness of Allah’s creation, their interconnectedness with all beings, and the universal mercy extended by Allah. It encourages a holistic understanding that transcends earthly boundaries and invites reflection on spiritual, ethical, and environmental responsibilities within the broader context of existence.


    But yes there are some narrations from Imams Of Ahlul-Bayt particularly from Imam Sadiq (as) talking about some beings that are ready to serve Imam Mahdi & some of them haven’t kept their weapons down and are waiting for the Imam Mahdi to reappear !



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  2. بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ     In Islam, meditation is deeply rooted in the concept of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and Usul al-Deen (the principles of faith).   • Pondering Tawheed and Usul al-Deen   Tawheed is central to Islamic belief, emphasizing the oneness anRead more

    بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ



    In Islam, meditation is deeply rooted in the concept of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and Usul al-Deen (the principles of faith).


    • Pondering Tawheed and Usul al-Deen


    Tawheed is central to Islamic belief, emphasizing the oneness and sovereignty of Allah. Meditating on Tawheed involves reflecting on the reasons for our existence and our purpose in life. It is important to remember that this meditation should not focus on the essence (Zaat) of Allah, but rather on our relationship with Him, His signs, and our duties as His creations.


    • Contemplation on the Signs of Allah


    Allah has placed numerous signs in the universe to guide us towards Him. Meditating on these signs means contemplating the vastness of His creation, the intricacies of nature, and the miracles in our daily lives. This form of meditation helps strengthen our faith and awareness of Allah’s presence in everything around us.


    • Meditation on Quranic Verses


    One of the best forms of meditation in Islam is to ponder over the Quran. This can be done by reading a verse from the Quran in the morning and then meditating on its meanings throughout the day. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and contemplate the apparent and hidden meanings of the verse. This reflection can provide profound spiritual insights and connect you more deeply with the divine message.


    • Breathing Meditation with Gratitude


    Another beneficial form of meditation is to sit quietly, focus on your breathing, and thank Allah for every breath you take. This practice can enhance your mindfulness and gratitude, reinforcing your connection to Allah and His continuous blessings.


    • Using Dua Kumayl & other Duas


    For those seeking to explore beyond Quranic meditation, verses from Dua Kumayl can be used. Reflecting on the supplications in Dua Kumayl can deepen your understanding of your relationship with Allah and strengthen your spirituality.


    • Avoiding Non-Islamic Meditation Practices


    It is crucial to avoid meditation practices that stray from Islamic teachings, such as those focusing on the law of attraction, connecting to the universe instead of Allah, or other concepts that do not include His remembrance. These practices are considered haram in Islam as they divert attention from Allah and His oneness.


    • Conclusion


    Meditation in Islam is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection with Allah. By focusing on Tawheed, contemplating the signs of Allah, meditating on the Quran, and practicing gratitude through breathing exercises, one can achieve a profound sense of peace and purpose. It is essential to ensure that all forms of meditation align with Islamic principles and enhance one’s faith and relationship with Allah.




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  3. Salam !!! To get rid of feeling irritated towards others always are mentioned below : ~ Turn to Allah (SWT) ~ Dua : Regularly ask Allah (swt) for patience and calmness. A simple yet powerful dua is: Allahumma inni as'aluka sabran jamilan (O Allah I ask You for beautiful patience) ~ Imam Ali (AS) saiRead more

    Salam !!!

    To get rid of feeling irritated towards others always are mentioned below :

    ~ Turn to Allah (SWT)

    ~ Dua : Regularly ask Allah (swt) for patience and calmness. A simple yet powerful dua is:

    Allahumma inni as’aluka sabran jamilan

    (O Allah I ask You for beautiful patience)

    ~ Imam Ali (AS) said :

    Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet.” Reflect on this wisdom to help manage your irritation.

    (Nahjul Balagha , Saying 47 )

    ~ Remember the patience demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Ahlul Bayt (as), who remained calm and composed in challenging situations.

    ~ Perform Wudu : Making wudu can have a calming effect on your mind and body.

    ~ Change Your Environment: If you start feeling irritated, try changing your surroundings.

    ~ Seek Refuge in Allah: When irritation arises, say

    A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim

    ( I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil).

    ~ Quranic Advice: The Quran advises, us that :

    And speak to people good [words]” ( 2:83).

    Speaking kindly can help reduce irritation.

    ~ Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said :

     “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent”. 

    (Bihar Al-Anwar Volume 74, Chapter 4, Hadith No. 107)

    ~ Namaz : Regularly performing your daily prayers helps instill tranquility and patience.

    ~ Quran: You can recite the Quran regularly to bring peace to your heart and mind.

    ~ Dhikr : You can engage yourself in regular dhikr to keep your heart and mind focused on Allah and away from irritation.


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  4. Salam !!! We Shia , like other branches of Islam, acknowledge the existence of supernatural beings known as Jinn. These entities mentioned in Islamic scripture are believed to inhabit a realm distinct from that of humans. • Possessions : One aspect of Jinn's interaction with humans is the phenomenonRead more

    Salam !!!

    We Shia , like other branches of Islam, acknowledge the existence of supernatural beings known as Jinn. These entities mentioned in Islamic scripture are believed to inhabit a realm distinct from that of humans.

    • Possessions :

    One aspect of Jinn’s interaction with humans is the phenomenon of possession. According to Islamic teachings, Jinn have the ability to enter and influence human bodies, albeit with limitations. This possession can manifest in various ways, including changes in behavior, speech, and physical manifestations. However, it’s important to note that possession is not a common occurrence and is viewed as a rare phenomenon within Islamic tradition.

    In Islam, the understanding of Jinn possession is shaped by interpretations of religious texts and teachings. While some scholars and practitioners believe that Jinn can possess humans, there are differing opinions on the extent of their influence and capabilities. Generally, it’s accepted that while Jinn can affect a person’s thoughts and actions but ummm they are not believed to have the power to directly cause harm to a person’s physical body through possession alone.

    • Protection :

    Islamic teachings provide guidance on how one can protect themselves from potential harm caused by Jinn possession. Practices such as regular prayer, recitation of specific verses from the Quran, seeking refuge in God, and maintaining strong faith are considered effective means of safeguarding against negative spiritual influences. Additionally, seeking assistance from knowledgeable individuals such as scholars or spiritual leaders, is encouraged for those experiencing or fearing possession.

    • Conclusion:

    We reach to our conclusion that the belief in Jinn and their potential to possess humans is an integral aspect of Islamic theology. While possession by Jinn is acknowledged, it’s understood within the framework of Islamic teachings that they cannot directly cause harm to individuals. Protection against negative spiritual influences, including possession, is sought through adherence to religious practices and seeking assistance from knowledgeable sources within the faith community. Through understanding and applying these principles, individuals can navigate the complexities of the unseen spiritual realm within the context of their faith.


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  5. Salam !! In shia belief , like in Sunni traditions, Iblis faces punishment in hell despite being made of fire. This underscores the idea that divine justice transcends theological nuances. While Iblis's composition is fire, hell's fire isn't merely a physical element—it's a divine punishment. ComparRead more

    Salam !!

    In shia belief , like in Sunni traditions, Iblis faces punishment in hell despite being made of fire. This underscores the idea that divine justice transcends theological nuances. While Iblis’s composition is fire, hell’s fire isn’t merely a physical element—it’s a divine punishment. Comparing it to someone accustomed to hot weather feeling the intensity of a scorching flame, it highlights the distinction between worldly fire and the divine retribution. Both Sunni and Shia perspectives emphasize that Allah’s judgment surpasses human comprehension. While interpretations may vary, the core principle remains unchanged: disobedience carries consequences, and divine justice ensures accountability. Therefore, whether Sunni or Shia, believers trust in Allah’s wisdom and fairness in adjudicating Iblis’s fate, irrespective of his fiery nature.


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  6. Acc to punjabi calender Ashura Happened on 18 Jeth I.e 31 May this year . The date according to the punjabi calender is accurate for those who follow punjabi calender system !

    Acc to punjabi calender Ashura Happened on 18 Jeth I.e 31 May this year . The date according to the punjabi calender is accurate for those who follow punjabi calender system !

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  7. Salam !! We may not receive a direct sign, there are ways to feel connected to him and seek his approval: 1. Living with kindness and compassion: Treating others with love and empathy reflects the values Imam al-Mahdi  embodies, and it can bring a sense of closeness to him. 2. Seeking guidance throuRead more

    Salam !!

    We may not receive a direct sign, there are ways to feel connected to him and seek his approval:

    1. Living with kindness and compassion: Treating others with love and empathy reflects the values Imam al-Mahdi  embodies, and it can bring a sense of closeness to him.

    2. Seeking guidance through prayer and reflection: Taking time for introspection and seeking guidance through prayer can help us feel spiritually connected to Imam al-Mahdi and understand his teachings better.

    3. Helping those in need: Making efforts to alleviate the suffering of others and extend a helping hand in times of difficulty can be a way to honor Imam al-Mahdi and show our commitment to his cause.

    4. Trusting in Allah’s plan:

    Understanding that Allah knows what is best for us, even if our prayers are not answered as we expect, can bring a sense of peace and acceptance.

    As for knowing if our prayers are accepted, it’s a deeply personal experience that can be felt in the heart :

    a) Feeling a sense of peace: After sincerely praying and pouring our hearts out to Allah, we may experience a sense of tranquility and peace, indicating that our prayers have been heard.

    b) Seeing positive changes: Sometimes, our prayers are answered in ways we may not immediately recognize. Looking for positive changes or blessings in our lives can be a sign that our prayers have been accepted.

    c) Trusting in Allah’s timing: Understanding that Allah answers prayers in His own time and in the way that is best for us can bring comfort and reassurance, even if we don’t see immediate results.

    • Conclusion

    In the end having a deep and sincere relationship with Allah and Imam al-Mahdi  is key to feeling their presence in our lives and knowing that our prayers and actions are pleasing to them.


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  8. Salam !!   Living as a Shia Muslim in today's world can be tough with all the negativity out there.   Stay strong in your faith and find comfort in prayer and Quranic teachings. Educate yourself about your faith and heritage to feel confident in your identity. Connect with other Muslims anRead more

    Salam !!


    Living as a Shia Muslim in today’s world can be tough with all the negativity out there.


    Stay strong in your faith and find comfort in prayer and Quranic teachings. Educate yourself about your faith and heritage to feel confident in your identity. Connect with other Muslims and the broader Muslim community for support and solidarity. Be patient and resilient in the time of adversity, knowing that challenges are a test of faith. Stand up against injustice and discrimination, advocating for the rights of all people. Engage with the community and society, spreading kindness and promoting understanding. By staying true to your beliefs and values, you can face the challenges of the world with grace and dignity.



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  9. Salam !! • Shia perspective on numerology : In Shia Islam, people tend to approach numerology with a bit of skepticism. They believe it's essential to focus on the teachings of Islam directly, rather than trying to find deeper meanings in numbers. While some numerical patterns might be acknowledged,Read more

    Salam !!

    • Shia perspective on numerology :

    In Shia Islam, people tend to approach numerology with a bit of skepticism. They believe it’s essential to focus on the teachings of Islam directly, rather than trying to find deeper meanings in numbers. While some numerical patterns might be acknowledged, the emphasis is on following the guidance of the Qur’an and Hadith, rather than looking for hidden messages in numbers.

    • Was Ilm-e-jaffr taught by Imam JafJafar al-Sadiq ? :

    Some Shia Muslims believe that Imam Jafar al-Sadiq taught Ilm-e-Jaffr. This belief suggests that the Imam encompasses mystical knowledge, including divination and astrology, passed down by the Imams. However, scholars debate its historical accuracy, and not all Shia Muslims accept it as authentic. So, whether Imam Jafar al-Sadiq taught Ilm-e-Jaffr is a matter of interpretation and belief within the Shia community.

    • Ilm-e-Haram :

    There’s debate among scholars about the authenticity and relevance of practices associated with Ilm-e-Jaffr. Some argue that certain forms of divination, including aspects of Ilm-e-Jaffr, might fall into the category of prohibited knowledge (Ilm-e-Haram). This concept refers to knowledge or practices discouraged within Islam due to their potential to lead to superstition or deviation from true faith. So, while Imam Jafar al-Sadiq’s wisdom is revered, it’s crucial to approach the topic of Ilm-e-Jaffr thoughtfully, considering broader Islamic principles.



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  10. Salam !!! Equality of Men and Women in Islam: 1. Islamic on Equality In Islam, the equality of men and women is deeply ingrained in our understanding of Islamic teachings. Our beloved Imam Ali (as) once beautifully expressed, "Women are the twin halves of men"   (Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 31), emphasiRead more

    Salam !!!

    Equality of Men and Women in Islam:

    1. Islamic on Equality

    In Islam, the equality of men and women is deeply ingrained in our understanding of Islamic teachings.

    Our beloved Imam Ali (as) once beautifully expressed,

    “Women are the twin halves of men”  

    (Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 31),

    emphasizing the intrinsic equality of both genders in their humanity and spiritual worth.

    This sentiment reflects the profound respect and dignity accorded to women in the eyes of Allah (swt) and the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt.

    2. Distinct Roles and Responsibilities

    While affirming the equality of men and women, Islam recognizes that they may have different roles and responsibilities, each complementing the other.

    Our revered Imam Ali (as) once wisely remarked,

    “Women are your partners and not your subjects” 

    (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 103, p. 143),

    highlighting the collaborative nature of relationships between men and women.

    This perspective fosters mutual respect and cooperation, acknowledging the unique strengths and contributions of each gender.

    3. Opportunities for Education and  Empowerment

    In Islam, education is highly valued for both men and women. Our beloved Imam Ali (as) emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge stating,

    “The excellence of knowledge is more beloved to me than the excellence of worship” 

    (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 1, p. 207).

    This depicts the significance of education in nurturing the intellectual growth and development of individuals, regardless of gender. Additionally, Islamic teachings advocate for the economic rights of women, with Imam Ali (as) advising,

    “Treat women with kindness, for they are prisoners in your hands” 

    (Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 103, p. 218).

    This tells us the approach highlights the responsibility of men to support and empower women in matters of finance and property, while also respecting their autonomy and agency.


    In conclusion, Islam cherishes the principle of equality between men and women, rooted in the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt.

    By embracing the values of mutual respect, cooperation, and empowerment, individuals can strive to create a society where umm both genders are valued and celebrated for their unique strengths and contributions embodying the spirit of justice and equality as exemplified by the teachings of the Ahlul Bayt.


    ~ Jazakallah

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