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Is it allowed in Islam to reject a proposal?

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A girl who is not married gets  a proposal which her parents like and want her to marry that proposal but the girl don’t want to marry that particular proposal,so is it okay to say no to that particular proposal as the girl is not agreeing to marring him .Is it permissible to say no to parents as the girl don’t want to marry that person?

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  1. This answer was edited.

    Salam Alaykum
    According to Imam Ali Khamenei, the girl can reject a proposal if she sees he is not fit, even if the father agrees, the girl must agree for the marriage to be permissible
    this is the link for the website associated with the fatwa

  2. It is completely in girl’s hand whether to marry that person or not.
    Second thing is that if your parents fix your marriage without asking you about your decision then it’ll be haram for parents too.

    And if you already entrusted yourself to your parents then it would be permissible for them to fix your marriage.

    But whatever the situation is without a girl’s yes it would be haram for parents to force them for marriage.

  3. Sister Sakina, The Answer To Your Question Was Already Given By Me In Your Previously Asked Question.

    Once Again, I Am Clarifying That As Long As You’re Living With Your Father, You Cannot Reject A Marriage Proposal Approved By Him. However, If You’re Not Living With Your Father And Managing Your Own Affairs Individually, You Can Marry Whom You Want And Reject Whom You Don’t Want To Marry.

    But In This Case Also, Taking Permission From Your Father Is Preferable (Afzal) But Not Obligatory (Wajib).