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Rishfa haider
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I feel very irritated everytime🙂‍↕️

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I don’t know why i get irritated very easily even with my family if someone pushes me for something more than one time i shout on them rather than controlling myself
I want to get rid of it so please help?

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  1. Salam !!!

    To get rid of feeling irritated towards others always are mentioned below :

    ~ Turn to Allah (SWT)

    ~ Dua : Regularly ask Allah (swt) for patience and calmness. A simple yet powerful dua is:

    Allahumma inni as’aluka sabran jamilan

    (O Allah I ask You for beautiful patience)

    ~ Imam Ali (AS) said :

    Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet.” Reflect on this wisdom to help manage your irritation.

    (Nahjul Balagha , Saying 47 )

    ~ Remember the patience demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Ahlul Bayt (as), who remained calm and composed in challenging situations.

    ~ Perform Wudu : Making wudu can have a calming effect on your mind and body.

    ~ Change Your Environment: If you start feeling irritated, try changing your surroundings.

    ~ Seek Refuge in Allah: When irritation arises, say

    A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim

    ( I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil).

    ~ Quranic Advice: The Quran advises, us that :

    And speak to people good [words]” ( 2:83).

    Speaking kindly can help reduce irritation.

    ~ Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said :

     “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent”. 

    (Bihar Al-Anwar Volume 74, Chapter 4, Hadith No. 107)

    ~ Namaz : Regularly performing your daily prayers helps instill tranquility and patience.

    ~ Quran: You can recite the Quran regularly to bring peace to your heart and mind.

    ~ Dhikr : You can engage yourself in regular dhikr to keep your heart and mind focused on Allah and away from irritation.


  2. Salam alaikum.


    To this action the best of best answer is just sajdah e shukr .


    When ever you feel such habit coming on you , adopt the sunnah of imam ali. Where he said in that situation. If you are standing, then sit .

    If your in sitting position, stand . If your sleeping .get up . If you are waked up m then sleep ( floor ) .


    Because in simple . While you will be busy in your physical actions . Your mental stress goess quick away .

    * Drink water more